What are the Stages of Labor
Labor takes place in three distinct stages, each bringing its own physical and emotional changes. Understanding what happens during each phase—from early contractions to delivering the placenta—can help you feel more prepared, confident, and in control of your experience.
Key Takeaways
Labor is divided into three stages and understanding what happens in each one helps you know what to expect.
The first stage is the longest and includes early labor and active labor.
The second stage of labor is the pushing and delivery of your baby.
The third stage involves delivering the placenta.
Labor Stages Explained
Labor is your body’s way of signaling the arrival of your baby. While the experience differs for every person, labor generally progresses through three main stages. Knowing what to expect during each stage can help you approach labor with more confidence and clarity.
Stage One: Early and Active Labor
Early Labor
Early labor is the first phase of the labor process and can last for several hours or even days, especially for first-time parents. Cervical changes and mild contractions mark this phase. The duration and experience vary widely from person to person, but knowing what to expect can help ease anxiety.
What to Expect
During early labor, your cervix begins to dilate from 0 to 6 cm and starts to thin (efface) in preparation for birth.
Contractions may feel like mild menstrual cramps and tend to be irregular and manageable, allowing you to rest at home. Some people experience lower back pain or pelvic pressure, while others notice the loss of the mucus plug, which may appear as increased vaginal discharge with a pink or brown tint, known as the 'bloody show.'
Emotional Shifts
Throughout labor, you might feel an emotional shift, starting with excitement and anticipation and transitioning to moments of focus and sometimes overwhelm as labor advances.
Hydration and Relaxation
Staying hydrated, practicing relaxation techniques, and walking can help manage discomfort.
Physical Changes
In some cases, the amniotic sac ruptures, causing your water to break, which can be a sudden gush or a slow trickle of fluid. Hormonal changes may also cause symptoms like diarrhea or nausea.
Since early labor signs can vary, it’s common to feel uncertain about whether you are truly in labor, so staying in touch with your healthcare provider is important. Tracking your contractions with an app or a simple note on your phone can help you monitor their progression and determine when it may be time to seek medical attention.
Active Labor
Active labor is a more intense phase, with contractions becoming stronger and closer together. Unlike early labor, this is when many people start to incorporate different pain management options.
What to Expect
As active labor progresses, your cervix dilates from 6 cm to 10 cm, and contractions become more intense, occurring every 3 to 5 minutes and lasting about 45 to 60 seconds. You may experience nausea, increased pressure, and difficulty speaking through contractions. At this point, it’s usually time to head to the hospital.
Pain Management Options
Many individuals explore pain management options, such as epidurals or focused breathing techniques, to help cope with the growing intensity. It’s common to feel an increased sense of urgency and emotional intensity during this stage.
Healthcare providers closely monitor both you and your baby, checking fetal heart rate and positioning to ensure a safe labor progression.
Stage Two: Pushing and Birth
The second stage of labor begins when your cervix is fully dilated and your baby moves down the birth canal. This is often the most physically demanding stage.
What to Expect
As the second stage of labor begins, you will likely feel an intense urge to push with each contraction as your baby moves down the birth canal. The baby’s head will start to crown at the vaginal opening, marking the final moments before birth. Pushing can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on various factors such as baby’s positioning and previous births. Your healthcare provider will guide you through breathing and pushing techniques to help you work with your body’s natural rhythms.
Once your baby is born, immediate assessments are performed, and skin-to-skin contact is often encouraged to promote bonding. In some cases, medical interventions such as an episiotomy or assisted delivery with forceps or vacuum extraction may be needed if labor stalls. After delivery, your healthcare team will monitor for any tearing or excessive bleeding to ensure a safe recovery.
Stage Three: Delivering the Placenta
After the baby is born, the placenta still needs to be delivered. This final stage of labor is sometimes overlooked, but it is an essential part of the process.
What to Expect
After your baby is born, mild contractions continue to help detach the placenta from the uterine wall. This final stage of labor typically lasts between 5 and 30 minutes. During this time, healthcare providers monitor bleeding and ensure that the placenta is fully expelled. Some people may receive a uterine massage or medication to help minimize postpartum bleeding and support the uterus in contracting back to its normal size.
As the birth process concludes, you may feel a mix of exhaustion and relief as your body transitions into the postpartum period.
What happens after your baby is born?
The moments after birth are crucial for both the baby and the birthing person, providing time for important medical assessments and early bonding.
Golden Hour
During the first hour, often called the 'Golden Hour,' immediate skin-to-skin contact is encouraged to help regulate the baby’s temperature and breathing. Early breastfeeding attempts may take place, stimulating milk production and strengthening the parent-baby bond. Healthcare providers will also monitor the baby to ensure a smooth transition to life outside the womb.
Monitoring of the Newborn
During this period, healthcare providers closely watch for any complications while also supporting recovery. Many people experience afterbirth pains as the uterus contracts back to its normal size. If an epidural is used, the effects will gradually wear off, allowing the sensation to return to the legs over the next few hours. For those who had a cesarean birth, medical staff will monitor the incision site and manage pain levels.
Emotional and Physical Shifts
Emotionally and physically, new parents often experience a mix of joy, relief, exhaustion, and anxiety. Hormonal shifts can contribute to mood changes, sometimes leading to the 'baby blues' or, in some cases, postpartum depression. Rest, hydration, and emotional support from loved ones and healthcare providers play a key role in navigating this significant transition into the postpartum period.
What are the signs of labor?
In addition to contractions and water breaking, other early signs of labor can include lower back pain, cramping, and a feeling of pelvic pressure. Some people experience symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, or an overall sense of restlessness. You may also notice an increase in vaginal discharge or the loss of the mucus plug, which can appear as a thick or blood-tinged secretion. While these signs can indicate that labor is approaching, every experience is different, so staying in touch with your healthcare provider can help you determine when it’s time to seek medical attention.
Bottom Line
Understanding the stages of labor can help you feel more prepared and confident as you approach childbirth. Every labor experience is unique, and being informed about what to expect can make a significant difference in how you feel going into it. Resources like Birthly’s online childbirth education classes can provide expert guidance on labor and delivery as well as breastfeeding, the postpartum period, newborn care, and more. Whether you are a first-time parent or preparing for another birth, resources like these can offer the support and knowledge you need to navigate labor and what comes next with confidence.
Stages of Labor FAQs
What is the hardest phase of labor?
Every experience is different, but most individuals who have not received any pain medication find the transition phase of active labor (8-10 cm dilation) to be the most intense because of the strong contractions and pressure.
How long does each labor stage last?
Early labor can last for several hours to days, while active labor lasts 4-8 hours on average. The second stage of labor (pushing) typically lasts for a few minutes to several hours. The placenta delivery generally lasts 5-30 minutes.
What are the signs of labor?
Labor signs can include any combination of contractions, water breaking, lower back pain, loss of your mucus plug, pelvic pressure, diarrhea, nausea, and restlessness.